Hashtags on Social Media

It’s probably to assume that most people are familiar with the basic idea of hashtags. But knowing of a concept is certainly not the same as understanding it. As such, it’s important to set the record straight regarding how to use hashtags properly, respective…

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Rajas Digital How often Instagram Post to be Uploaded

How Often Instagram Post to be uploaded ?

Organic reach continues to decline on Instagram and also in other Social Media, so it’s very important to know when to post to Instagram, it’s also important to know how often instagram posts to be uploaded! Is it twice a…

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social media for business rajas digital

Why would a company use social media?

Let’s get social media savvy! Whether you are running a small, local operation, or heading a global, enterprise-level effort, it is clear that your customers are online. Social media can help you reach customers everywhere and anywhere. Customers are interacting…

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Social media buttons rajas digital

Best Position For Successful Social Media Buttons?

In all the case studies, data shows that social media buttons do create impact as impressions or engagements. For Best performing button, you should think of having good selection of button and the placement. Always optimize it for better performance….

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